Sunday, January 22nd, 2006

Ok, tooting my own whistle time, but alas what is a blog for? Mark Mendoza wrote a really great review of my chapbook “The Window Ordered to be Made” for the Verse blog. He’s got a pretty lively, tricky prose style and gets at some great ideas.  I’m flattered and humbled. Here’s the first paragraph:

With a new book (What Does It Matter) appearing on Barque Press and a job at the joystick of UbuWeb, “The Kim Stefans sneak attack is [indeed] now in progress”. The Window Ordered To Be Made marks his most consistent and ‘accessible’ book to date. Though visually less varied than previous outings, there is a remarkable range of poetic modes covered in its beautiful binding, from the surprising masculine personism corrupted in ‘Oliphant And Castle’ to the communistic sentence-strokes of ‘Attitudes And Non-Attitudes In May’ à la Jeff Derksen. With hardworking titles such as ‘Prelude To The End Of This Book’, a well-tuned use of slashes and parentheses, and a wry lisp of lingo vispo invention and ambient ante-vellum throughout, the reader is made to feel the arbitrary restraints and loopy dupes surrounding a bit-stream that eschews the self-help service industry of main street poetics. For those who like their poetry on the wrong side of the fast conceptual art track, Stefans scores the poetic for its potential (anti)literariness, achieving a startling unidirectional détournment to added features in the absence of a known target. The result is refreshingly rhetorical at times (e.g., not afraid to superimpose hypotactic prolixity over an otherwise paratactic pick-n-mix), especially as arguments made in his other publications come to fresh forms and intractably matter.

Here’s a piece which I’m not sure if I’ve ever blogged or linked to.  It’s a collaboration with the Australian artist geniwaite, for which I supplied texts and images and she did the programming, sound and image manipulation.  It’s probably about 4 years old now, but holds up pretty well.
