September 27, 2002

Translations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Know what the most downloaded thingamabob on is? Try: a .pdf of 5 translations of Anglo-Saxon poetry that I did in 1995 when I was a graduate student at the CUNY Grad Center. I never thought they were that hot, but 590 people at least looked at it in the past month. Maybe you should too:

Of course, I understand if you want to pass -- my guess is that a good 99.9% of those who downloaded it were merely trying to ace there exams -- my translations are pretty accurate representations of the text, though at one point I have Scooby Doo come flying down on a bobsled to put out the fire on King Olaf of Sweden's big toe.

Posted by Brian Stefans at September 27, 2002 02:25 PM

Well, I downloaded them becouse I liked them. Possibly I'll try and translate them from English to Italian if they were not translated already. (I'm an English to Italian freelance translator.) Really good poetry, I liked The Seafarer. Do you know if there's a translation from English to Italian?


Posted by: Paolo Roat at August 14, 2003 09:43 AM

These secret identities serve a variety of purposes, and they help us to understand how variables work. In this lesson, we'll be writing a little less code than we've done in previous articles, but we'll be taking a detailed look at how variables live and work.

Posted by: Melchior at January 18, 2004 10:53 PM

To address this issue, we turn to the second place to put variables, which is called the Heap. If you think of the Stack as a high-rise apartment building somewhere, variables as tenets and each level building atop the one before it, then the Heap is the suburban sprawl, every citizen finding a space for herself, each lot a different size and locations that can't be readily predictable. For all the simplicity offered by the Stack, the Heap seems positively chaotic, but the reality is that each just obeys its own rules.

Posted by: Elizabeth at January 18, 2004 10:54 PM

This variable is then used in various lines of code, holding values given it by variable assignments along the way. In the course of its life, a variable can hold any number of variables and be used in any number of different ways. This flexibility is built on the precept we just learned: a variable is really just a block of bits, and those bits can hold whatever data the program needs to remember. They can hold enough data to remember an integer from as low as -2,147,483,647 up to 2,147,483,647 (one less than plus or minus 2^31). They can remember one character of writing. They can keep a decimal number with a huge amount of precision and a giant range. They can hold a time accurate to the second in a range of centuries. A few bits is not to be scoffed at.

Posted by: Charles at January 18, 2004 10:55 PM

Being able to understand that basic idea opens up a vast amount of power that can be used and abused, and we're going to look at a few of the better ways to deal with it in this article.

Posted by: Hector at January 18, 2004 10:57 PM