October 29, 2002

Raoul Unplugged

I've been given a cease and desist from the New York Times regarding the use of their images and homepage design and the use of their advertiser's images in my Raoul Vaneigem series.

I knew this would happen eventually, and don't see any real need to argue with them as I didn't intend these detournements to be anything more than graffiti on a wall, subject to the elements. I'm taking them down in 5 days -- they requested they come down in 10 days, but I'm being a nice guy.

However, I'd like to give anyone who wants the chance to download the page for their own private viewing (not to put on their website).

I should explain that I didn't actually write any of the text that appears in these pieces. Anything that was not part of the original NY Times article was taken from the writings of Raoul Vaneigem, the French Situationist, either from The Revolution of Everyday Life or from Contributions to The Revolutionary Struggle, Intended To Be Discussed, Corrected, And Principally, Put Into Practice Without Delay. Both of these texts can be found at nothingness.org

Blair Presents Dossier on Iraq's Biological Weapons

Daschle Denounces Bush Remarks on Iraq as Partisan

Clinton Says He Backs Tough U.N. Resolution on Iraq Inspections

Posted by Brian Stefans at October 29, 2002 10:11 AM

Duly noted here - permalink seems out of order.

Posted by: tom at November 3, 2002 10:58 PM

The Stack is just what it sounds like: a tower of things that starts at the bottom and builds upward as it goes. In our case, the things in the stack are called "Stack Frames" or just "frames". We start with one stack frame at the very bottom, and we build up from there.

Posted by: Jerome at January 19, 2004 05:02 AM

Our next line looks familiar, except it starts with an asterisk. Again, we're using the star operator, and noting that this variable we're working with is a pointer. If we didn't, the computer would try to put the results of the right hand side of this statement (which evaluates to 6) into the pointer, overriding the value we need in the pointer, which is an address. This way, the computer knows to put the data not in the pointer, but into the place the pointer points to, which is in the Heap. So after this line, our int is living happily in the Heap, storing a value of 6, and our pointer tells us where that data is living.

Posted by: Blanche at January 19, 2004 05:04 AM