April 01, 2003

BKS in Santa Cruz

Hey... I'll be in San Francisco on April 17th and in Santa Cruz the 19th to play (I think) John Ashbery in the play Kevin Killian and I wrote together called The American Objectivists, nominated for five Wedgies in 2001 by the New York Theatre Critics Cockettes Circle. K. Silem Mohammed is playing Louis Zukofsky, and Kevin Killian is playing Celia, Louis' wife (who has a crush on John). Be there or be a square French teacher at Brooklyn Community College.

Poetry and the Inter-arts
April 18-19, 2003.
University of California, Santa Cruz:  Porter College


Friday, April 18:  Prose/poetry

2-3:30:  Workshops for Porter students in prose/poetry and performance/poetry: 
Camille Roy and kari edwards
Location:  Porter College, Bridge galleries

4-6:  Panel discussion on "Poetry and The New Narrative" and "Poet's Theater":
Robert Gluck, Camille Roy, kari edwards, Dodie Bellamy, Kevin Killian.
Location: Porter College, Fireside Lounge

6-7:30: Dinner for poets + viewing of Konrad Steiner's film, Way, 
based on Leslie Scalapino's poem of the same name.
Location:  Porter College, Fireside Lounge

8:00-9:30:  Reading:  Robert Gluck, Camille Roy, Dodie Bellamy, kari edwards
Location:  Porter College, Dining Room

10:00:  Drinks and dessert
Location: Pearl Alley, downtown and upstairs from the queer dance bar, The Dakota.

Poets encouraged to spend the night and enjoy a Saturday in Santa Cruz, and join us for tomorrow's events.  Please let me know if you would like me to make reservations for you at the Ocean Pacific Lodge, by the beach and boardwalk.

Saturday, April 19:  Performance/poetry

4:30-6:00:  Transcontinental Poetry Reading:  a telecast live reading dedicated to Kenneth Koch: David Antin, Andrei Codrescu, Maria Damon, Kenward Elmslie, Forest Gander, Roxi Hamilton, Anselm Hollo, Lisa Jarnot, Ron Padgett, Keith Taylor, Anne Waldman,
Location:  Porter College, Dining Room

6:30:  Reception.  Food and film before "Poet's Theater."  Eat and mingle on the patio overlooking the ocean.  Buy authors' books and have them signed.  Wander into the Fireside Lounge next door and watch the films Way,  a film of Leslie Scalapino's poem by the same name, and Cocteau Cento , a film drawing on the work of Jean Cocteau.

7:30-9:  Poet's Theater:  productions by Kevin Killian, Dhaia Tribe, and others.
Location:  Porter College, Dining Room

Posted by Brian Stefans at April 1, 2003 11:24 AM