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offsite .pdfs (requires acrobat plug-in)

The website of the irreverent, witty "New York School" poet and playwright Kenward Elmslie which contains several .pdf files of his plays and poems, and several curious digital renditions of his works. This entertaining site is Flash-heavy in its navigation, but slower computers can use the html nav or go directly to the .pdfs.

no can take leak on leaf

Duration Press

The Duration Press houses more .pdf poetry files than any site that I know of, including writers as diverse as Jacques Roubaud, Clark Coolidge, Juliana Spahr, Xue Di - oh, they're unpredictable. They have an international chapbook series, an archive, and a series of e-books dedicated to younger writers.

no cc number required

Philly Talks

Starting in 1998, Louis Cabri and the Kelly Writer's House have coordinated this important series of exchanges between poets. Participants included Ron Silliman, Jeff Derksen, Bruce Andrews, Steve McCaffery, Karen Mac Cormack, Lisa Robertson, Jackson Mac Low, Andrew Levy, Kevin Davies, Sianne Ngai, and many others.

i heard of that place


Witz: A Journal of Contemporary Poetics ceased publication in 1999 after seven years and 20 issues. Most of their run is online in either .pdf or HTML format; includes writing, reviews and interviews by Clint Burnham, Susan Smith Nash, Jacques Debrot, Juliana Spahr, Peter Quartermain, and others.

gut witz


Another project by Mark Amerika, Alt-x doesn't ask "what is literature" so much as "what is literature's exit strategy" (or at least that's what the propaganda states). Started in 1993, Alt-x was leagues ahead in terms of digital publishing, and you will find here many volumes of poetry, prose and fiction as well as anthologies of innovative... stuff.

more hard_code


/ubu ("slash ubu") is a new series that will appear at in the following months. For now, you can download three .pdf's by playwright Richard Foreman -- including his Collected Poems (exclusive). Future authors will include Kevin Davies, Caroline Bergvall, Alan Davies, and Ron Silliman.

neecha's dead?


I don't know much about Cocodrillo except that it is a poetry zine edited by David Cameron, that it is in color, and that it is out of commish. Several issues of this crocodile-bedecked publication appear on this site, including writing by poets who straddle the Nuyorican/experimental scene such as Todd Colby and Edwin Torres.

what a croc

designed and edited by
brian kim stefans

editorial statement