
Here is a great "autonomous art program" that writes short prose poems and creates illustrations based on your text entry. I've seen things like this before on the web -- "The Impermanence Agent" by Noah Wardrip-Fruin et. al. worked on this principle -- but this one works particularly well. Of course, you just gotta type your name in and see what comes up! Keep trying until you get a good one.


A lot of times there's some semi-naked woman parading around in the mix, but never anything obscene. My sense is that Daria takes the Barbie dolls of pornography and, by stretching them out and/or cropping them, turns them into Mannerist or Expressionist figures that are re-anthropomorphized, i.e. made human again. (Click on images below to enlarge.)

Copyright © 2004 Brian Kim Stefans
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