Tag Archives: video

Ryan Trecartin: 4 New Movies

I’m posting this not only because I think Ryan Trecartin (who has lived in LA for a few years now) is great but also because all of his videos explore language in a way that should be of interest to poets and writers. Truly weird stuff, beautifully edited if always on the edge of total collapse.

Wayne Koestenbaum, poet and scholar (he was a professor of mine at the CUNY Graduate Center) wrote a great article about Trecartin for Artforum called Situation Hacker, a must read:

“Imagine slasher films without blood; porn without nudity; the Sistine Chapel without God; the New York Stock Exchange without capital. Pretend that Hieronymus Bosch’s intermeshed figures could text. Ryan Trecartin’s videos depict a vertiginous world I’m barely stable enough to describe. Watching them, I face the identity-flux of Internet existence: surfing-as-dwelling. Images evaporate, bleed, spill, metamorphose, and explode. Through frenetic pacing, rapid cuts, and destabilizing overlaps between representational planes (3-D turns into 2-D and then into 5-D), Trecartin violently repositions our chakras. Digitally virtuoso, his work excites me but also causes stomach cramps. I’m somatizing. But I’m also trying to concentrate.”

When: Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2014
Time: 7:30 pm
Where: Bing Theater at LACMA
Address: 5905 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90036

(get tickets)

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Ursula Heise and John Christensen on Digital Environmental Humanities

UCLA Professors Ursula Heise in the department of English and John Christensen of the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability in the Department of History and editor of the journal Boom: A California Journal, gave presentations at the Digital Environmental Humanities workshop that took place Sept. 7-8th in Montreal.